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My Recruiter Ghosted Me, And Linked In Was Mean.

The Woolf Partnership

It is no secret that recruiters don't always boast the best reputations. At times, trying to stand out is a little like trying to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.

Recently we have noticed that there is a new threat in town. In addition to the disinterested, scattergun approached recruiter we have another predator in our midst. Another reason to make clients think they have the market cracked and another reason for candidates to feel unseen, unheard and dismissed.

I am going to say it quietly because I realise the irony of posting this here.

Don't judge.

Don't shout.

It's Linked In.

Linked In is an incredibly powerful tool. Since the early days of mistrust and apathy, there are now over 900 million users on Linked In, with over 58 million registered companies. It is a wonderful place where you can connect seamlessly with people you've met and people you want to meet. It has opened up avenues to thought leaders, old colleagues and virtual mentors globally. Thanks to Linked In I have met with several wonderful people who have supported and guided me from afar.

So the tale goes, that 3 people are hired every minute on Linked In. 55 applications are made PER SECOND. 100 million job applications submitted each month. Those are some stats. With all those exciting statistics, why do we hear the same phrase time and time again?

I have applied to so many jobs on Linked In and of course, I never hear anything back.

More and more we are hearing stories of jaded candidates who feel strongly that the game of Linked In recruitment relies on keywords and chance. Not the kind of things synonymous with strong hiring strategies.

At the same time, recruiters are overloaded with CVs and don't have the time to interview each candidate.

What is the solution?

You may be surprised to know that we suggest a targeted approach, and it is true. No, we do not believe every role should go out to recruiters. Instead there are few things you can consider to help your recruitment strategy - whether you are a job seeker or a hiring manager.

  1. Clear requirements: In addition to clear, concise and brief job descriptions, consider a SHORT intro to who should apply to the role. Last year we advertised for a junior associate. The job description outlined what we were looking for and stupidly included research. 76% of our applications came from academics looking for a research role. Impressive CVs, not in the least suited to our business. You would think we would get it right, right?

  2. Do your research: If you are interested in a role that has over a zillion applications, check out the company and the hiring manager, if possible. If you are 100% sure you are right for the job, apply. If you don't hear back, why not drop them a line directly just to say you would have loved to have been considered, keep you in mind for the next one or if possible, ask for relevant feedback.

  3. Keep it tight: Keeping the job posted for too long can result in simply too many applications. It may be best to cap the apps at a certain level, review the CVs and reopen if necessary. If that is the case, only allow each person to apply one time.

  4. Don't always use Linked In: Yes there are times when Linked In can work really well, but other times it just wont. You can hire online, you can find a new job online, but nothing beats a real human conversation. Know the recruiters that work for each business area. Connect with them regularly, and foster a relationship. Take the call, you might not need a candidate at that exact time, you might not need a new job at that exact time, but a good conversation is worth having. You might learn something new.

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